
Followers unimpressed as Kourtney Kardashian shares naked photo of herself soaking in a tub

Followers unimpressed as Kourtney Kardashian shares naked photo of herself soaking in a tub

Kourtney Kardashian shared a naked photo of herself soaking in a tub and, while some followers called her “hot”, a number of Instagram users condemned her for it and criticized her body.

The mother-of-three captioned the photo: “Love yourself as deeply as you love them.”

Followers unimpressed as Kourtney Kardashian shares naked photo of herself soaking in a tub

Commenting, some followers asked what happened to her leg in the photo. Others said it was heavily photoshopped and some asked why she and her sisters can’t keep their clothes on.

Followers unimpressed as Kourtney Kardashian shares naked photo of herself soaking in a tub

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