News, Politics

BREAKING Ali Ndume Takes Walk Of Shame, Concedes Defeat To Senate President, Ahmed Lawan

Senator Ali Ndume, appears to have accepted the outcome of Tuesday’s election, in the 9th Senate.
The top contender for the position of the 9th Senate President, was seen shaking hands and congratulating his challenger, Ahmed Lawan, who emerged victorious in the election, today.
The duo were the only contenders for the position. Mr. Lawan prevailed however, with 79 votes, to Mr. Ndume’s 28 votes.
After the Lawmakers cast their votes, counting commenced.

Nonetheless, while the votes were still being counted, Ndume stood up from his seat to shake the hands of Ahmed Lawan, and congratulated him amidst cheers from other Lawmakers.
Ahmed was the preferred Candidate of the All Progressives Congress, APC.
Shortly afterwards, the Yobe Senator was announced winner of the election.

The election of Senate President was held at the first session of the Senate, on Tuesday.
After a secret ballot voting, the Clerk to the National Assembly, Mohammed Sani-Omolori, announced Lawan’s victory to the cheer of Senators and others in the Red Chamber.

Sani-Omolori said that 107 Senators cast their votes.
“It is my pleasure to announce that Senator-elect, Ahmed Lawan, having scored the highest number of total votes cast, is hereby returned duly elected as Senate President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”, he said

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